So, I know I read about a million blogs on how the interviewing process worked when applying for the Disney College Program and that's now how I will begin mine. I'm currently a senior at Texas A&M University, and waited to apply for the DCP my last semester I could. My parents viewed it as "hurting my career in the real world" if I would have applied to do it the semester after I graduated. This could easily be true, but I guess everything happens for a reason.
Why I waited till my last semester:
Well for starters I love my school and like to be involved in everything I can. Also, I'm in a sorority...actually that's pretty much the main reason. I joined a sorority my sophomore year in college, and loved every minute of it. I was quick to jump into every position I could till I became our Vice President of Programming which lasted till the middle of my senior year. Once that was over is when I decided to finally persue my dreams of working at Walt Disney World.
Perks of waiting:
Now looking back on it I am happy I waited for a couple of reasons (these could all be different for you). I have made some amazing friends here at school and because I will be staying in college another semester when all my friends are graduating I was able to spend all 4 of my amazing years here with my friends and NEVER missing a beat. (hehe also now they're all moving home and getting big kid jobs...and I'm over here moving to Disney World). So reason number 2, I found it easier with the major I am in (which by the way has nothing to do with anything Disney so no that does not effect your chances) to have finished all my major classes and classes that fed off of each other before leaving, and having my easy classes left when I returned.
Downfalls of waiting:
Short and sweet: 1. you might not get in your first try, and if you waited that might be your only chance to attempt to work at such a magical place. 2. You don't get the chance to do it again!
Applying for the Program:
I was super prepared to apply for DCP. (I was applying for the Fall program so I applied in the spring). I knew they said applications would come out in early February, so once Feb hit I checked daily. When it was released (feb 8th I believe) I felt like I had to of been one of the first 100 people to apply!
Warning: I will tell you all about my experience but I will not tell you what I was asked, because I believe the Disney process works, and I would never want someone who shouldn't be accepted just know all right right answers and its not what they really believe.
The first steps to applying are easy, they're all online based, and Disney will tell you if your personality and morals align with theirs. Once you have made it past the first 2 online interviews you may then get offered the phone interview. I can't even begin to describe how nervous I was. You will know what day and time they are gonna call but they do tell you they could call 15 minutes early to 15 minutes late. In my case she called right one time and it lasted about 20 minutes. I spent the 20 minutes prior to my interview locked in my room (where it would be quiet for my interview) and just listened to Disney Pandora to get me in the zone. I'm not gonna lie even while we were talking I was still nervous but I had no reason to be. My interviewer was the nicest person ever and we had some laughs and it was honestly easy. MAIN ADVICE: Remember your interviewers name, and answer all questions honestly. They want to know your true opinion and want to know the real you! So make sure you do that! They will ask you about what you want to do and this is super important! I was one of those people who thought I do not care what I'm doing I just wanna work at Disney World. Which is awesome, but you still need to know what you would MOST want to do and what you want to fight for! And be ready you're going to be doing it for a long time!!
The After Math:
When you complete your phone interview they will tell you it will take 2-3 weeks to make a decision. This was the most dreadful weeks of my life. They literally just drug on! I checked daily, even though I knew the email would pop up in my phone whenever I got it. BUT I COULDN'T WAIT. Now the part that stinks I got my email of acceptance the last day of the time period they gave me, and while I was taking a nap! I was in the car and seriously screamed I was so happy.
Sorry if this isn't that helpful but this was my experience and I'm happy for it! feel free to ask questions!