Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cleaning Out My Room

So, cleaning out my room...well, not just my room, but my brother and my sisters rooms as well. The Milburn household has decide to have a flip. Minus Cole, all children will be getting new rooms this means packing! UGH. Since I've come back from college I have meant to clean out my closets and get rid of old stuff so I could make room for all the stuff I brought back with me, but that never happend. Now it's going to! Everything is coming out of my room and getting put in a box to go to my new room, or getting thrown away, OR going into the attic because I like to keep way to many things from my childhood (insert guilty face here). Well this is what out crazy house looks like during this oh so fun process...

My room...

Dylan's Room....

Laney's Room...


Talk about a load of crap :) Our rooms are now pretty much empty other than the furniture and that will go this weekend (while I will happily be gone). 

Room updates coming soon!!
